Property Management
To have an investment property you either have, or are currently, working very hard to achieve that dream. You rely on the fact that you have hired a professional Property Manager to do exactly that, manage your property.
All too often however the agency you engage employs someone who just doesn't understand the importance of their decisions. They have no idea what it's like to own their own property not to mention an investment property. Quite often they have very little experience and simply just don't understand the importance of their actions.
Property Management isn't just about being able to react appropriately to circumstances as they arise. It’s about being proactive instead of just reactive. A Property Manager needs to be constantly asking themselves, are my clients getting the best possible return on their investment? Do I have tenants in their property that will look after their investment? Is there a way of increasing their ROI? Do they have the appropriate insurance? Are they making all legitimate claims they can be? Am I providing them with clear an accurate accounting to assist them in reducing their accounting fees?
Unfortunately large agencies overload their Property Managers, giving them far too many properties to manage, leaving them no time to be anything other than reactive. Putting out fires as they occur. With large agencies it’s all about how many properties they can have, therefore increasing the value of their business. How high a percentage can they charge, again increasing the value of their business. How few Property Managers can they employ, therefore reducing operating costs. That's why you start to feel like a number, because sadly that’s all you are....... to them.
Don’t allow your investment to become a number.
Contact us today to make sure you're getting the best possible return on your investment.